Create viral video
shorts with

AI Magic

Boost engagement, maximize viewership and retain your audience.

Get started free
*No credit card required

✨ AI Captions

Auto create 99% accurate captions fast with advanced speech recognition.


✨Faceless Videos

Create stunning faceless videos in seconds with AI images, voice and captions.


🎨 Customize

Personalize videos with custom captions, images, emojis, effects, music, highlights and more.

Create Custom AI Faceless Videos

An all-in-one solution for faceless video generation with AI voice, script, images, and our unique AI captions.

Fully customizable

Features 01
Ai Captions
  • Captions within seconds
  • Support for 99+ languages + auto language detection
  • AI Highlight Keywords
  • Download captions in .SRT, .VTT, .ASS, and .TXT formats.
  • Download transcript
  • Sync Trendy Sounds
  • Add background music
Features 02

Choose from 13 expertly crafted caption themes designed to maximize views and engagement.

  • Font
  • Colors
  • Emojis
  • Effects
  • AI Hook Title
  • AI Description
  • Position
  • Sizing

Who's using Bytecap?

Video Editors
Save hours editing videos with ByteCap's auto-captions
Content Creators
Bytecap makes custom captioning accessible to all, no video editing skills needed
Podcasters are expanding their reach with captioned short clips
Streamers are also creating captioned shorts of highlight moments.
More likely to watch a video to completion when captions were available.
Of people watch videos with sound off in public
Increase brand awareness and accessibility
More likely to share videos that have custom captions

Frequently Asked Questions